The average house price on CROMWELL TERRACE is £123,804
The most expensive house in the street is 8 CROMWELL TERRACE with an estimated value of £179,438
The cheapest house in the street is 6 CROMWELL TERRACE with an estimated value of £66,911
The house which was most recently sold was 9 CROMWELL TERRACE, this sold on 23 Jan 2020 for £60,000
The postcode for CROMWELL TERRACE is TS17 6HJ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
6 CROMWELL TERRACE Terraced £66,911 £50,000 28 Sep 2016
7 CROMWELL TERRACE Terraced £110,994 £30,000 29 Sep 2000
8 CROMWELL TERRACE Terraced £179,438 £31,950 1 Jul 1996
9 CROMWELL TERRACE Terraced £73,725 £60,000 23 Jan 2020
13 CROMWELL TERRACE Detached £157,084 £79,995 26 Jul 2004
15 CROMWELL TERRACE Terraced £154,677 £82,500 22 Apr 2005